Wednesday, January 22, 2014

“Beer is made by men, wine by God.” ― Martin Luther

As I begin this last semester of my undergraduate career, I am most excited to take Geography of Wines. There is a certain language which wine-drinkers can speak. A language which sounds sophisticated and knowledgeable to someone who does not yet understand all that is being said. I have been exposed to wine many times, but have not been able to discover what it is that makes one variety more appealing than another or how to describe the flavor and impression left by a sip of wine.

My first tastes of wine came from my parents who would let me take a taste from their glass at dinner. Mostly, I did not understand why so many people would want to drink it. I remember taking a sip of one particular glass and spitting it out because I disliked the taste so much. I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to enjoy a glass of my own, despite being told that wine is an "acquired taste." Fortunately, I did not give up and wine has become my drink of choice.

White wines were what began as my favorite, most likely due to the fact that it is what my parents drink so I was often exposed to it at home. At school, however, my roommates and friends would only buy red wines because that was their preference. Since it was easier to share than to buy my own bottle, I have become much more preferential to red wines. As of this moment, my favorite type of wine is Cabernet Sauvignon but it is subject to change as I try different types of wine.

Drinking wine is definitely something I enjoy in a group setting and even more so when there is food to go along with it. Many of my friends at school enjoy wine so we generally open a bottle every week or so to share. My brother is an avid wine drinker as well and was able to take Wines & Vines (the other wine class...) when he was a graduate student at Tech. So when I visit him, there is usually some wine involved, especially if we are eating.  In addition to having a daily glass with dinner, wine is often a celebratory drink in my family, whether it be for birthdays, holidays, or accomplishments.

I look forward to this semester for being able to try different types of wines and actually keep track of what kinds I liked and didn't like. It will be a great chance to eat and drink with friends so we can share our thoughts about the wine. It also gives us an excuse to drink lots of wine :)