Sunday, April 27, 2014

Winery Visit: Chateau Morrisette

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Tristan, Ginny, Peter, Katie, Dillon, Robin and Doug standing in front of the Chateau Morrisette sign ready for a fun tour and the tasting of delicious wines!

Our first activity upon arrival at the winery was to go on a tour. On the tour we learned about the actual building as well as the wine making process. Since many of us are civil engineers we were fascinated by the wooden trusses supporting the roof which can be seen in the picture below. The tour guide told us how most of their building is made out of recycled wood which I thought was very neat. The shop and tasting room had a very nice log cabiny feel to them. After learning about the building in general, we them proceeded outside to the de-stemming and crushing area. Although a majority of the grapes are not harvested onsite, all wine production is completed on site. There are two machines used for crushing: one for white grapes and one for red. After being crushed, the juice from the grapes is moved inside the facility where it will be processed, fermented, aged and bottled. Unfortunately, we were not able to go into the bottling area since they were bottling wine that day. However, we were given a
brief description of the process. You 
can see the stainless steel containers 
where the grape juice is being fermented into wine and the barrels where the wine  aged. The chateau just hired a new wine maker who has experience working at wineries in both California and Bordeaux. He plans to release a chardonnay in December which will have been oak aged for a year. He plans on focusing more on blending varieties of wine in stead of releasing varietal wines every year. He has a very different style from the previous winemaker who was much more focused on a New World taste and having fewer tannins in the wine.

Following the tour, we proceeded into the shop and tasting room. As part of the tasting portion of the visit, we had the opportunity to try 10 different wines. There were some wines on the tasting list which I hadn’t tried before, like the fruit wines and the red muscadine, so they were very much interesting to taste. 

2011 Chardonnay - $18
This chardonnay is a mix of wine which has been aged in steel and oak barrels. This made it taste much less buttery than other chardonnays I have had. There were definitely hints of green apple and grapefruit in the aroma and palate. 

2011 Cabernet Sauvignon - $18
This cabernet sauvignon had an aroma reminiscent of the produce section of a grocery store with a wide range of fruit and vegetable aromas mixing together. The smell of raspberries and cherries were the more prominent smells which came through. This was a relatively dry wine with tastes of red cherry.

2011 Merlot - $21
The merlot had a distinct strawberry smell on the nose. The taste is reminiscent of a mix of strawberries and cranberries with a bit of tartness coming through. It was a fruitier merlot, not as dry or tannic as some merlots I have tried. 

2011 Pertit Verdot - $20
The aroma of this petit verdot had hints of raisins and toast. This wine did have more tannins than others in the tasting and it was not among my favorites of the day. Perhaps I would enjoy it more if paired with food. 

Angel Chardonnay - $13
This may have been my favorite wine of the tasting, which surprised me because I usually prefers red wines to white wines. The nose had hints of pineapple and citrus. This wine was a blend of wine aged in steel and oak barrels as well, but with 90% of the wine coming from the steel barrels. This allowed for more subtle flavors and was definitely much less buttery than other chardonnays. It was also not too dry. 

Our Dog Blue – Riesling - $11
One of the facts that I always found fascinating about this wine is that it used to be called "Virginia Riesling," but when the winery changed the name to our dog blue and changed the label to a diamond shape with a picture of the dog, sales increased by 600%. It definitely demonstrates how important marketing is for a business. The wine was a pretty generic riesling for me. Very good with citrusy fruity smells and very sweet tastes. It would be prefect for relaxing on a warm summer evening sitting on the porch.  

Cherry Wine - $11
As expected with a wine made exclusively out of various types of cherries, the nose and palate were dominated by cherry. The smell reminded me slightly of cherry flavored medicine and it tasted like cherry candy. During the tasting, we were given chocalate bites to taste with the wine which defeinitely accentuated the flavor of the wine. 

Red Muscadine - $11
This wine was not like any other kind I have tried before. It is apparently a type of grape which is much more popular in North Carolina than most places. The smell was kind of like grape juice and some kind of strange candy. It tasted similarly to strawberry soda, especially since it was lightly sparkling. Fortunately it was not too syrupy and overly sweet. The aftertaste was quite odd. I did not really like this wine.

Blackberry Wine - $11
This wine is made out of 100% blackberries and since I really like blackberries, I also really liked this wine. It was very good and tasted like blackberry juice. We were told that it makes a great substitute for water when making brownies from a mix. After the tasting, I did buy a bottle and tried this and I must say, the brownies were very good. Another one of my favorites for the day. 

Heritage – Dessert Wine - $20 for 375mL bottle
This is one of the few times I have tried a true dessert wine. Brandy was used to increase the alcohol content and the wine tasted very syrupy and thick. It smelled of plums and tasted a bit better to me after getting a bite of chocolate to pair with it. 

And of course the trip would not have been complete without a few ridiculous selfies and photobombings outside the winery. 

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tasting- "Steeple Jack Moscato"

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Variety: Moscato
Region: South
Country: Australia
Year: 2012
Price: $6

Steeplejack Review: Premium wines, easy drinking, great value for money - extreme lifestyles ... seriously good wines. Steeple Jacks played a crucial role in constructing and maintaining our townships, completing stonework on the highest towers, oblivious to vertigo, gravity and mortality. Sweet full flavours with a fresh, spritzy finish - just for fun!

My Review: This wine, similar to other moscatos, smelled very fruity like peaches and pears. It was very sweet but still quite good. 

Tasting- "Tisdale Merlot"

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Variety: Merlot
Region: Modesto, California
Country: USA
Price: $4

Total Wine Review: Flavors of black cherry and mixed berries are complemented by spicy oak aromas, creating a balanced and distinctive wine.

My Review: This wine had a nose of a very typical red wine. There were some slight tannins and reminiscent of dark fruit. It was slightly sweet though.

Tasting- "Rubus: Shiraz"

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Variety: Shiraz
Region: Barossa
Country: Australia
Year: 2012
Price: $20

Wine Spectator Review: Polished, supple and juicy, with red berry, black cherry, licorice and white pepper flavors, persisting nicely on the refined finish. Drink now through 2017.

My Review: The nose of the wine was fruity and alcoholic. This wine had a bit of a kick upon first tasting and was definitely a bit spicier than I expected. It is a very bold robust wine. Between sips, I had a bite of Gouda cheese which seemed to bring out a sausage flavor when tasting the wine afterwards. 

Tasting- "Royal Bitch: Shiraz"

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Variety: Shiraz
Region: Aconcagua
Country: Argentina
Year: 2012
Price: $11

Royal Bitch Review: This wine was cold macerated prior to its alcoholic fermentation for a gentle extraction of tannins and flavors. Rich texture with deep raspberries, spice and floral aromas that linger on the mouth. Ripe tannins give this wine a medium texture and a pleasant finish marked by red fruits.

My Review: I picked up this wine because I thought the winery name was amusing but I actually ended up really enjoying the wine as well. It smelled yeasty with some vegetables as well as dark fruit. The taste was sweeter than expected and was very smooth. Definitely a wine I would buy again.

Tasting- "Cline: Mourvedre"

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Variety: Mourvedre
Region: Sonoma, California
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Price: $16

Cline Website Review: Our Ancient Vines Mourvèdre offers a hint of Eucalyptus on the nose, distinct chocolate characteristics, luscious deep plum, and concentrated cherry. This scrumptious and unusually delightful wine has a substantial mouth-feel followed by soft tannins.

My Review: This wine was quite delicious. There were slight tannins with a fruity taste. There were definitely hints of blackberry and plum. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wine and Cheese Tasting

For the Wine and Cheese tasting, some friends and I got together to each bring a wine or cheese. We had a total of four wines and seven cheeses and tasted at least three different types of cheese with each wine. The seven varieties of cheeses we had for the tasting were Brie, Gouda, Chipoltle Gouda, Peppercorn Gouda, Havarti Dill, Mozzarella, and Monteray Jack. To go with the cheese, we had a baguette as well as a selection of crackers. 

The wines which we had to pair with the various cheeses included a Sauvignon Blanc, a Reisling, a Malbec, and a Shiraz. Here we are demonstrating our mastery of the sniffy sniff. Below is a description of each wine as well as our review of how the wine and cheese paired together.

Starborough Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Marlborough
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2012
Price: $12

My Review: I thought that this wine smelled slightly of flowers with apricots and peaches. It was also slightly reminiscent of cat-pee, which is something which is typical of New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs. After tasting, there was a strong apricot and peachy flavor which made this a very good wine.

Paired with...
Mozzarella: The mozzarella does not change the flavor of the wine very much. It is such a light flavor cheese that it did not do much.
Gouda: The stronger flavor of the gouda enhanced the flavor of the wine as well so there was a lot of flavor going on.
Brie: GROSS. Tasting the brie with this Sauvignon Blanc left an awful taste in your mouth afterwards. I would definitely not recommend this pairing. I was not surprised since, in my experience, brie tends to pair very well with red wines.

Little Penguin Riesling
Region: North Eastern
Country: Australia
Year: 2012
Price: $9

My Review: This riesling had a nose which contained aromas of stone and flowers, however the taste was very appley and slightly sour.

Paired with...
Mozzarella: Tasting the mozzarella with the rieslin definitely toned down the sourness which allowed the sweetness to come through.
Gouda: The strong flavor of the gouda overpowered the riesling and dominated the palatte.
Chipoltle Gouda: The spiciness associated with the chipoltle gouda did not mix very well with the flavors of the riesling.

Rubus Shiraz
Region: Barossa
Country: Australia
Year: 2012
Price: $20

My Review: The nose of this shiraz had vanilla and dark fruit aromas. The taste was a bit spicy and peppery but also had a lot of fruit flavors. It was a very good wine. One I might buy again.

Paired with...
Brie: So good! The brie tones down the spiciness of the shiraz and the creaminess of the cheese goes very well with the wine. Basically I love brie with all the red wines.
Mozzarella: The light flavor of this cheese is overpowered by the strong flavors in the shiraz.
Chipoltle Gouda: These two together was just super spicy! So much spice. Too much. I wanted to go back to the brie.
Peppercorn Gouda: The peppercorn gouda did not work very well with the shiraz. The flavors didn't really mesh or compliment eachother. The pepper almost seemed to be competing with the fruitiness.

Diseno Malbec
Region: Mendoza
Country: Argentina
Year: 2012
Price: $10

My Review: The nose on this wine is very subtle. The slight aroma is one that is very typical of most red wines. This malbec had a strong spiciness to it which we think would make this wine a good choice to age for a while. It also may have been better if balanced with more fruit.

Paired with...
Brie: Once again, the brie tasted very good with this red wine. It toned down the tannins and spice a bit which allowed the fruitiness to come out more.
Peppercorn Gouda: The flavor of the pepper is very strong when these are paired together but it did work relatively well which was rather unexpected.
Havarti Dill: The strong dill taste with this cheese definitely overpowered the flavors in the wine and made a rather odd paring.

All in all, I think it was a successful wine and cheese event which definitely provided a lot of insight about the relationship between wine and cheese when paired together. I also really enjoyed getting to try a variety of cheeses since I have only recently begun to enjoy tasting different types of cheese. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tasting- "Toso Moscato"

Variety: Moscato 
Country: Italy
Price: $9.95

Vintage Cellar Review: This Moscato is reminiscent of honeysuckle and rose petal. The quality is equivalent to a top level Asti Spumante DOCG. Sweet sparkling wine obtained from a careful selection of the Moscato grapes. It has a pale straw yellow color with fine foam and bubbles. Tropical fruit flavors, refreshing.
Excellent to match desserts, fruit and dried pastries

My Review: This wine was a very typical moscato. Most of the sweet bubbly wines taste very similar to each other. There was a stronger emphasis on peachy and rosy aromas and flavors though.

Tasting- "Thorn Clarke James Goddard Shiraz"

Variety: Shiraz
Country: Australia
Year: 2011
Price: $7.95

Vintage Cellar Review: The outstanding 2011 James Goddard Shiraz (aged 14-16 months in American and French hogsheads) delivers considerable value and flavor of authority. Its deep ruby/purple color is accompanied by notes of blackberries, black currants, licorice, graphite and subtle barbecue smoke. Rich, fleshy and dense, it is best consumed over the next 3-4 years.

My Review: To me, this wine smelled like a generic red wine. The taste was fruity with hints of barbecue, specifically pulled pork. It was a good wine but nothing spectacular. 

Tasting- "El Sierro Tempranilla/Cabernet Sauvignon

Variety: Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon
Country: Spain
Year: 2011
Price: $7.95

Vintage Cellar Review: Dark Ruby in color with rich aromas of red fruit and light spices. It is a real knock-out with delicious flavors of dark cherries, blackberries and vanilla all perfectly integrated. The Tempranillo provides wonderful spice and fruit, while the Cabernet Sauvignon gives structure and depth with the beautiful use of oak.

My Review: The nose on this wine reminded me of red fruits like strawberries and cherries. The taste was also reminiscent of these flavors with also a slight hint of chocolate on the finish. It would be very interesting to taste this with chocolate to see if it brings the flavor out more.

Tasting- "Atlas Cumbres Torrontes"

Variety: Torrontes
Country: Argentina
Year: 2010
Price: $5.95

Vintage Cellar Review: Yellow colour with greenish nuances. Very intense aroma of fresh grapes, flower perfume and mature peaches. Fresh in the mouth. Light and easy to drink. Ideal with seafood, Thai and Chinese food.

My Review: This torrontes had a fruity nose which was reminded me slightly of Fruity Pebbles Cereal. There was also some slightly flowery aromas.From the smell however, I did not expect the wine to have a lot of flavor but upon tasting it, the taste was much more flavorful than i had anticipated.

Tasting- "Avery Quinn Chardonnay"

Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Napa, California
Country: USA
Year: 2011
Price: $6.95

Vintage Cellar Review: The 2011 vintage marks a return to form for this great value Chardonnay.  The aromas feature creamy, mellow, golden apple, pineapple, fresh butter and a touch of vanilla.  Then rich, ripe, flavors of yellow pear, pineapple, fresh apple, cream and buttered toast swell up and fill your mouth before a juicy, apple and caramel inflected finish makes your mouth water (and smile!).

My Review: This chardonnay had an interesting taste compared to some others. It was difficult to put a specific flavor on it but there were hints of apple juice and butter. It was a pretty good chardonnay though.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tasting- "Bellafina- Pink Moscato"

Variety: Moscato, Rabosos
Country: Italy
Price: $9.95

Vintage Cellar Review: A blend of Moscato and Rabosos grapes it has a pale rose color, notes of red berries (strawberry and raspberry), with the characteristic and fragrant bouquet and palate that is typical of the Moscato grape.

My Review: This was the first moscato wine I have tried which was a pink wine. I thought it was quite good with a taste which reminded me a bit of raspberry ginger ale. It also had a floral nose.

Tasting- "Weinert - Carrascal"

Variety: 40% Malbec, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot
Country: Argentina
Year: 2008
Price: $13.95

Vintage Cellar Review: Aged for two years in cask, the 2008 Carrascal is a blend of 40% Malbec, 35% Cabernet Sauvignon and 25% Merlot. It has a rustic blackberry, scorched earth and leather-scented bouquet with touches of pressed flowers. The palate is well-balanced with crisp tannins, expressive black tarry fruit and a Bordeaux-like finish. Drink now-2016.

My Review: This wine smelled like strawberries but tasted very differently from any wine I have tried before. It was a taste which was very hard to place - maybe raspberry tart or some other berry.

Tasting- "Santa Julia - Malbec"

Variety: Malbec
Country: Argentina
Year: 2012
Price: $8.95

Vintage Cellar Review: The nose is full of mellow raspberry and cherry, while the palate is fleshy and round, with blackberry and a touch of raisin. Plump, not edgy, and ready to drink, with coffee and mocha notes on the finish.

My Review: This wine smelled like many malbecs I have had before. There are hints of dark fruits and berries, especially blackberries and cherries. The taste had hints of cranberry with a very light taste of coffee on the finish.

Tasting- "Gougenheim- Torrontes"

Variety: Torrontes
Country: Argentina
Year: 2012
Price: $9.95

Vintage Cellar Review: The 2012 Torrontes comes from Chilecito in La Rioja. It has a light floral nose with touches of lemon peel and nectarine. The palate is crisp and taut, showing far more vivacity and fruit that the nose implied, finishing with a flourish of apricot and white peach. Drink now.

My Review: The nose for this wine reminded me strongly of lemon and flowers. It had a bit of a spiciness to it upon tasting with many similarities to other white wines as well.

Tasting- "Santa Julia Pinot Grigio"

Variety: Pinot Grigio
Country: Argentina
Year: 2013
Price: $8.95

Vintage Cellar Review: Light and clean, which compared to other Argentine Pinot Grigios is not something to dismiss. Feels solid and punchy, with orange and mango flavors. Has nice overall clarity and balance, with a citrusy finish.

My Review: Once again, most white wines smell very similarly to me. This one definitely had a bit of peach and orange in both the nose and the taste.